
Fake phishing attack

What happened?

You have been the target of a fake phishing campaign organized by the Withings' Security team.

Unfortunately, you sent your credentials to a fake login page.

Did you collect my password?

We do not have collected your passwords in order to preserve your privacy.

Why does the Security team perform this campaign?

The aim is to raise awareness regarding the risks concerning the pishing attacks.

How to prevent a phishing attempt?

First of all, you have to check the sender email. The domain withings.cm is not an official domain contrary to withings.com or withings.net.

Moreover, the fake login page is transmitted over HTTP. You must not provide any sensitive information over HTTP but only through HTTPS (with a locker in the address bar).

To improve your skill in phishing detection, do not hesitate to go to the following website: https://phishingquiz.withgoogle.com

You still have a question?

Do not hesitate to send an e-mail to security@withings.com